Friday, October 17, 2014

Trying something new

This next weekend a number of pastors are gathering in Anchorage. We want to see if we can do something new, something untried here in Alaska. We want to see if our churches can work together to raise up leaders and plant new churches.

Eight churches will be represented at the table. One church has 3,500 members, another has 35. We are not all from the same camp. We don't all wear the same labels or traffic in the same circles. Some of us are separated by literally thousands of miles. We know we will have to overcome what makes Alaska Alaska - the sense of pride in our isolation, our autonomy and independence. Alaskans, and thus Alaskan churches are not necessarily known for working together.

But we're gathering because we all want the same thing - to see Alaskan lives transformed by the gospel of Jesus. And we believe Jesus has chosen to do that through gospel-centered, missional churches. We see the need for more churches.

We're going to talk about what a covenant relationship between us could and should look like. We're going to talk about how to equip men for the work of ministry, and what it could cost us to do so. We will talk about how to share resources, intellectual capital and giftedness. We're asking the Holy Spirit to give us one heart in vision and purpose, and a plan to accomplish what we are convinced we are called to do.

We're trying something new, something untried here.

Pray with us. Pray for us. Pray for what we're calling PlantAlaska. For the Kingdom of God is at hand.