I've always assumed high school athletes anywhere initially resist the authority coaches hold over them. That assumption, at least here is wrong. These kids at JDHS do whatever we ask of them, after responding with "Yes, Coach!". Totally fakes me out.
I make assumptions about how my body will feel the day after a strenuous workout. Those assumptions are proving to be outdated...by about three decades or so.
I've had the misguided assumption people who love Jesus but are not currently connected with a church will be interested if not captivated by my starting a church (and my assumption of my own captivating personality) here in Juneau. This assumption has been challenged, (on both counts.) Not everyone is interested.
And my assumptions are challenged when someone I assume not interested shows interest in our church planting efforts. We're currently working to bring those interested people together.
I could die by my own assumptions. Or I could reassess my assumptions and leave a great deal more room for God to fake me out.