I attended a workshop event related to ending domestic violence. I sensed the other participants made assumptions about my theology solely on the basis of my attendance. I heard differing views on who God is and what it will take for society to be transformed. At times I felt I somehow needed to defend God against relativism, though God doesn't need me or anyone to defend Him. He is His own defense. But I left feeling defensive for God.
Earlier in the week I saw our young neighbor stuff the dumpster with more refuse than the dumpster's capacity could bear. Ironically, a bear had proven this true be strewing said trash all over the parking area on Monday night . I was indignant as I swept up the mess Tuesday afternoon. Soon after I was convicted; I had not made enough effort to know our neighbor, a struggling single Mom. I was too consumed with my own comfort to recognize her need for unrequited friendship and support.

I spent Tuesday evening repenting of my Pharisaic attitude, and Wednesday morning preaching the gospel to myself. Jesus has not called me to plant a church filled with Pharisees led by a Pharisee. He has called me to plant a church filled with forgiven sinners led by a forgiven sinner following a forgiving Lord.
Well put yet again Mike! I so appreciate the reflective spirit of your writings. I have long felt that pastors generally don't do enough teaching and challenging on our hearts rather than theology, principle, deeds. I'd enjoy a weekly, or so, sermon on maintaining proper posture in our hearts rather than in our heads. Align the heart and then let it lead. So difficult to keep it centered with all the selfishness coursing through our veins.