"The report of my death was an exaggeration" said Mark Twain. Same would be true of me, as this is no posthumous announcement. But I did notice something rather interesting in downtown Juneau the other day.
A large, multi-panel chalkboard has been set up, just down the street from the State Capitol Building with the words "Before I Die..." and then spaces for folks to fill in the blanks with their hopes and dreams for their remaining days. Maybe it's just performance art. But it was enough to stop my car, illegally mind you, and give it a look over.
For sure, there was the expected assortment of inane, juvenile statements that included sexual conquest, self-medication, unicorns and leaping tall buildings. We are Alaska, but not immune to dumb thinking. I also read responses that had more to do with general good will, peace between nations and stopping to appreciate the little things in life, albeit with my addendum that nothing in Alaska is little.
With my car continuing in its illegal placement I read the rich variety of responses. And this got me thinking: Before I die, what do I wish for?
The previous evening I attended an organizational meeting for Young Life, and I was blessed with how the people there represented a wide number of local churches. But we were on the same page with the same priority - new gospel life for students in our city. Before I die I would love to see the churches in our city unified in relationship and shared mission. That would be witness on a big scale!
The Tuesday morning before I gathered again with our Porterbrook fellas. (It's like seminary training, but I don't tell them that.) These fellas come from several churches, and are looking to learn in order to lead. Before I die I want to see a cadre of men rise up to humbly and effectively lead in their homes and churches and start up new churches throughout Southeast Alaska.
Deb and I visited a church on Saturday (!) evening. They were as friendly and welcoming as a church could possibly be. Before I die I want to see my own gospel witness and proclamation, and that of Radiant Church Juneau be welcoming, and not condemnatory.
Before I die I want to insure that my wife knows she couldn't possibly be more adored than she is by her husband. Before I die I want my children to know their father is fully engaged and immensely proud of them. Before I die I want to see Radiant Church Juneau be a radiant expression of the gospel to our city.
No, I didn't add my wishes to the downtown Before I Die board. Instead, I asked God to write them on my own heart. That way, I'll be less tempted to settle for lesser wishes.
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