Physical fatigue is one thing. A good nap or two might cure that. But mental fatigue requires rest (and frankly for me some serious exercise I have every intention of getting to.) Spiritual fatigue demands Sabbath. This past weekend we "heard" the words of our Lord saying, "Come away and rest a while."

Deb slept in. I watched a soccer game or two, none of which will be remembered into this week. Deb got caught up on emails with friends and family. I did laundry, since I no longer have yard work to do, (not that I have yet even seen our yard for the snow.) I read my Bible. We both came up for air. We went out for Chinese food. We talked about things other than what to put where. We dreamed out loud and together. All of it felt like rest. All of it felt like medicine for what we did not know ailed us.
Our restful weekend was yet another evidence of God's grace. We now feel rejuvenated and renewed; spiritually empowered to now address the opportunities before us, some of which we can already see.
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