Thursday, March 1, 2012

Now Back to our Regular Programming

We have spent the past month, okay past five months transitioning. We've been consumed with preparing to live instead of actually living. Now we're living again, even as living for us requires some adjustments.

Instead of bearing up in a small hotel "suite" (cubby hole) we're now in our own place. Instead of keeping an eye out for "bad guys" I now keep an eye out for bad bears. Apparently our local black bears are night stalkers. I find their foot prints in the snow in the early mornings while out walking the dog. Whoever thought I'd need to carry a gun just to take out the trash?

Our inbound mail goes to a Post Office box, now several miles from home. Our auto insurance rates actually dropped. We no longer have rush hour. Around here it's more like "rush minute," as we have no vehicle traffic to speak of. At home we now have coin-op laundry facilities. Much is different, but it feels like we've finally returned to regular programming.

We can now find our stuff. Our rooms are set up, and might I say, tastefully decorated. We're developing some routines. Deb and I have conversations about subjects other than what to move where. We're living again. And with increasing frequency I am stopping to look around in any direction to see snow-capped mountains, including the one that starts behind our own place. Eagles have replaced seagulls overhead. God has done some of His most incredible creative work right here in Juneau, where we're now really living.

And I for one am excited to see how the "why" we're living here unfolds.

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